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Laboratory Services

Phone: 308.761.1400
Fax: 308.762.5481

Box Butte综合实验室是地区卫生保健提供者在社区提供优质卫生保健的重要资源. IM电竞App官网最先进的仪器使IM电竞App官网的员工能够及时提供高质量的测试. IM电竞App官网还在工作场所或社区举办筛查和“健康博览会”,这对促进健康的生活方式至关重要.

Services provided include:

Drug testing
Urine & Hair Drug Collections
Comprehensive Lab Regime

There is no appointment necessary if coming during routine hours of operation. Appointments may be made for times other than those hours for special tests and circumstances. Patients needing blood draws or other tests must first register with Admissions, located in the hospital's main lobby. To avoid unnecessary delays, 请务必携带您的医疗保健提供者的诊断书和您的保险卡.

Patients should be fasting 12-14 hours for lipid profiles or triglyceride testing. If fasting is required we encourage you to drink water to avoid dehydration. (No other beverage is permitted.)

